This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other NordCham Indonesia events.

Inspired by the hugely successful American Chamber Services committee breakfast.

Multinationals, SME's and individuals working for Indonesian companies, Nordic embassies, and TPO's meet to discuss developments they see happening in the vast and complex Indonesian economy.

This event follows the Chatham House rule.

  • Everyone is expected to prepare something to share, this may include what you see in your business/organization and industry, rumors, or trends.
  • It is also a great arena to discuss any problems or challenges your organization is facing and discuss solutions & strategies.
  • Expect a lot of insights and a lively discussion.
  • Coffee, water, and light snacks served.
  • Doors open 8:00 am

Prevailing Covid protocol will be strictly followed.

Google maps link to the venue.







Doors open/Networking

The only thing we know for sure with Jakarta, is that people will not show up at exactly the same time.






Chatham House Rule Meeting

Everyone is expected to share insights from their organisation and/or sector.

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